The Great Outdoors Great Medicine ” Harvesting Hollyhocks

I love to make art that lifts .”Harvesting Holly Hocks is” a painting I did of my oldest daughter Sarah Jean Pov, The scene has a very ephemeral  quality of light and her body language is a delicate as an valley dance. She has a tender soul.

” The outdoors and sunshine are such strong factors in fighting viral ,infections, that a 2009 study of extraordinary success of outdoor hospitals during the 1918 influenza epidemic”by The Alantic via Fox News,Tucker.



WEB HARVISTING HOLLY 800P  The Great Outdoors Great medicine  Harvesting Hollyhocks


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 The Great Outdoors Great medicine  Harvesting Hollyhocks

Princeton University  avoided death as Philly succumbed to the 1918 flu pandemic “Open air and social distancing! “

Have a great Day! Start a Garden, have a picnic, paint a blue Bird, and exercise for some great health and fun !

yours sincerely

Michael Bedard Fine Art

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