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Christ’s Hour of Atonement in Gethsemane for the Love of All Mankind

My  prayer is that we all will desire to learn More of Christs Love for each of us in Gethsemane. This painting almost completed is the preamble  for a total of at least 11 more paintings concerning pivotal points on the Father's working out of the plan of salvation for all His children who kept their first estate.  I hope through these 12 painting, all mankind will more fully grasp the Father and the Son's great love for each person on earth, past,present, and future. no matter what our station or circumstance in life! Realist figurative painter Michael Bedard Painting in progress, began April 2024. Soon to be completed   { UTUBE   BELOW WATCH }These Children at General  Conference  exemplify the spirit  of...

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Nauvoo Temple “A Cornerstone of Zion”The Nauvoo temple was Nauvoo Temple “A Cornerstone of Zion”The Nauvoo temple was to become the heart and crowning jewel of Nauvoo. The Lord told Joseph Smith,

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