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Wilford Woodruff's Vision "HOPE OF THE WORLD"

The original “Hope of The World” is a seven by ten foot painting. It was commissioned and created to honor the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ upon the earth in these latter days in preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and to remember our Founding Fathers and other eminent men and women whose lives truly made the world a better place.

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Gratitude in all its forms

Giving Thanks “When you arise the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.”  Tecumseh Great (Native American Chief) we exercise gratitude by opening our hearts to all that is given us; joy comes pouring into our lives especially in those dark moments we encounter.    

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The Great Outdoors Great Medicine ” Harvesting Hollyhocks

I love to make art that lifts .”Harvesting Holly Hocks is” a painting I did of my oldest daughter Sarah Jean Pov, The scene has a very ephemeral  quality of light and her body language is a delicate as an valley dance. She has a tender soul. ” The outdoors and sunshine are such strong factors in fighting viral ,infections, that a 2009 study of extraordinary success of outdoor hospitals during the 1918 influenza epidemic”by The Alantic via Fox News,Tucker.         Princeton University  avoided death as Philly succumbed to the 1918 flu pandemic “Open air and social distancing! “ Have a great Day! Start a Garden, have a picnic, paint a blue Bird, and exercise for some great...

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Three Native American Chiefs Who Changed the World

Their stories and their decisions to make a difference in the lives of others. On August 29, 1877, President Wilford Woodruff completed temple work for 85 Native American Chiefs whose lives changed the world. The following three chiefs are just a few among that group, but their stories will send chills through your soul. Captain Joseph Brant – Merciful War Chief As a member of the Mohawk Nation, Joseph Brant’s early life is connected to Sir William Johnson who was one of the most powerful men alive during the American Revolution. Sir William had not only married Captain Brant’s sister but also received hundreds of thousands of acres of land in exchange for his kindness towards the Mohawk Indians. Captain...

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Four Phases of a Successful Art-Marketing Strategy

How to Win the War of Selling Your Art and Become a Legend  Research done by museum curator Heather Bhandari and arts lawyer Jonathan Melber shows that on average, artists earn about $10,000 a year after taxes (Zimmer). If artists are talented and make an effort to market their art, why does success not follow? Consistent, intentional marketing is a key component of any successful business, but according to the Journal of Marketing Management, “The marketing orientation and activities undertaken by visual artists deviates significantly from the assumptions underpinning traditional marketing theory” (Lehman 664). Promoting art is different than promoting other products and services because the strategy needs to revolve around an artist’s brand and career as opposed to his...

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